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start [2017/06/18 10:07]
Tong Hui [Help]
start [2017/09/15 04:30] (current)
BLUG Admin [Help]
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-  * **For newcomer, it is recommended start from [[docs:quickstart|Getting Start]] page.**+<note tip>**For newcomer, it is recommended start from [[docs:quickstart|Getting Start]] page.**</note> 
   * To learn about BLUG's events or submit candidate place for BLUG Tuesdays. Please go to [[events:tuesday|BLUG Tuesday]] page.   * To learn about BLUG's events or submit candidate place for BLUG Tuesdays. Please go to [[events:tuesday|BLUG Tuesday]] page.
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-  * For donated devices (laptop, phone, board, etc.), are recorded at [[docs:devices|Donated Devices]]. +  * To find devices that **//Respect Your Freedom//**, please go to [[projects:devices | Devices Suggestions]] page. 
 +  * For donated devices (laptop, phone, board, tools, etc.), are recorded at [[docs:devices|Donated Devices]]. 
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start.1497780466.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/06/18 10:07 by Tong Hui