2017-07-11 @ 19:00 – 21:30 Asia/Shanghai Timezone
三里屯SOHO 2 号楼一层2131(Sanlitun SOHO 2-2131 First Floor)

THE COFFEE CLOSED suddenly, we moved to MAANBA COFFEE downstair. If you lost ask us via group chat

Wnereiz (IRC nickname) who are working at SUSE Beijing, will give a brief introduction about LUKS and Cryptsetup, which is the unities for disk encryption in GNU/Linux. Disk encryption makes all data that is written to it is automatically encrypted, and decrypted on-the-fly when read again.

And, persmule (IRC nichname) will talk about a tricky solution that he found using macs in C programming to reduce repetitive work, and make C project easily maintenance.

BLUG Meeting July 2017 – Disk Encryption