14F West Tower of World Financial Center (北京环球金融中心写字楼西楼14层01单元)

第 16 届 SUSE Hackweek 就要来了,在这里您可以与 SUSE 工程师面对面交流技术并共同开发项目。您可以发起自己感兴趣的项目,或者是加入别人的项目。我们可接受的项目不仅仅局限于与开发相关的,您可以在这里学习一门新的知识,或者阅读并分享一本新的技术书籍。
在这为期一周的时间里,我们为报名参加活动的同学提供免费的午餐和饮料。我们还会穿插举办一些有趣的小活动来让您在 coding 之余获得放松。
如果您刚刚接触 Hackweek,可以在 这里获得更多信息 。
时间: November 10th (Fri) to November 16th (Thu)
地点: SUSE 北京办公室,朝阳区东三环中路 1 号,北京环球金融中心写字楼西楼14层01单元
报名步骤: 本次活动的社区名额有限, 仅限 10 人 。请您务必提交或加入一个项目。
- 请使用您的 openSUSE 账号登录 https://hackweek.suse.com/16/projects 提交项目,或加入已有项目。
- 发送邮件至 ysun@suse.com (或 whdu@suse.com),注明您所提交 / 加入的项目名称和链接,截止日期 11 月 9 日 。(若报名成功,我们将会在 24 小时之内回复)。
- 我们会在活动当日开始时签到并核实您提交 / 加入的项目信息。
注:活动的第一天安排了 kick-off meeting,我们欢迎您用 10 分钟的时间向大家简要介绍一下要做的项目。
未尽事宜请随时联络,如果您有任何关于 HackWeek 的问题请发邮件给上述两个邮箱咨询。谢谢关注!
SUSE Hackweek will coming soon in later of this Februrary.
- Map: OpenStreetMap
- Subway: Exit D, JinTaiXiZhao station, Line 10 十号线金台夕照站D出口
About Hack Week
Innovate, collaborate, and learn!
In Hack Week 14 we has incubated software that brought SUSE products forward like the openSUSE ARM port, projects that benefit the whole open source ecosystem like Inqlude (a Qt library archive) and tools like Jangouts(open source video conferencing) that our engineers came up with to scratch their own itch. What are you going to hack on?
Use this opportunity to work on any activity of your passion. You choose if you contribute to an existing open source project or if you explore strange new languages, seek out new tools and new communities, if you boldly go where no hacker has gone before! Just record your ideas, about what people could hack on, in this tool.
And be open-minded, supportive, and respectful. Hack Week is a happy and constructive place. Support ideas you like, ignore ideas you don’t like. Help to improve ideas of others, and accept help to improve your own. Hack Week is about discourse and open discussion. Please approach innovation with and open mind, respect, and the desire to support your fellow hackers!
We encourage you to find like-minded developers and team up to multiply your hacking power. Take the opportunity to work with people from other teams, departments or locations. Get together at an office, make use of all the nice things the Internet provides to collaborate remotely.
Remember: we are an open company, and work transparently on open source code. Share your code on the platform of your choice, and reference it from your project. Then let the community and the rest of the world know about what you are doing. Blog, tweet, publish videos, shout it from the roof tops so people can pick up your project, copy, distribute, study, change and improve it!
Hack Week is also the time to pick up new tricks, by yourself and from each other. Use this week to expand your horizon and maybe even crack the books. Acquire new information, reinforce what you know, adapt your behavior and expand your skills!
And don’t forget to have a lot of fun …
If you need any support to enable and improve collaboration feel free to contact the Hack Week coordination team.