2020-12-29 @ 19:00 – 21:15 Asia/Shanghai Timezone
书伴年华 Shubannianhua
北京市朝阳区芍药居5号院西北角平房(育慧南路与文学馆路交点东南)Northeast house of Yard No.5 Shaoyaoju (Southeast of the cross of Yuhui South Road and Wenxueguan Road)
Chaoyang District

BLUG Tuesday is happened in a Tuesday evening when there is no any other BLUG events. The BLUGers just only want to meet and chat.

If you suddenly have an idea and want to share during chatting, a lightning talk is welcome. Learn More!

随着疫情逐渐平息,我们尝试恢复线下活动,这次将是 2020 年最后一次周二聚会,我们的集结地是对外经贸大学附近的书伴年华!


Important note: If you are required to display the tracking results of “jian kang bao” (literally “health treasure”),
please leave immediately and wait for the arrival of event organizers near the door. We’ll host an outdoor event instead.

  • Traffic: 北京市朝阳区芍药居5号院西北角平房(育慧南路与文学馆路交点东南)Northeast house of Yard No.5 Shaoyaoju (Southeast of the cross of Yuhui South Road and Wenxueguan Road), Chaoyang District, Beijing

地图中心即为目的地所在。 The destination is at the center of the map.

BLUG Tuesday – Last meeting in 2020