Community Events Calender
Please note that, events that hold by Beijing GNU/Linux User Group is open to everybody, no BLUG membership required. We welcome everyone participate our event !- This event calender lists not only BLUG's event, but also other communities' event. If you want to add a new event, contact us please.
- You can filter events by choose Categories or Tags, and change view to Month, Week, Day or Agenda.
- You can also subscribe event via your favorite Calender software or Apps, click 'Subscribe' button to choose proper one.
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
BLUG Website Maintenance and Privacy Securing Day
BLUG Website Maintenance and Privacy Securing Day
@ [BLUG Website & Everyone's Mind]
Dec 20 all-day
It’s a Virtual Event, which we will working together to maintain our website or fix some problem. Further more, everyone should purge your server / PC / phone;s privacy information. Welcome everyone join in this event via IRC, #chinalug @
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